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August 2023 - Transitions & More
To support both enter and exit transitions, we've had to move from tailwindcss-animate
to Svelte transitions. You can still use the tailwindcss-animate
if you'd like, but you won't have exit transitions on most components.
To get the updated transition support, be sure to upgrade to the latest version of bits-ui
, which at the time of this writing is 0.5.0
We now provide a custom transition flyAndScale
(thanks @thomasglopes) which most components use. It's added to the utils.ts
file when you init
a new project.
If you're using tailwindcss-animate
and want to migrate to the new transition system, you'll need to do the following:
Update your utils.ts
file to include the flyAndScale
import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
import { cubicOut } from "svelte/easing";
import type { TransitionConfig } from "svelte/transition";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
type FlyAndScaleParams = {
y?: number;
x?: number;
start?: number;
duration?: number;
export const flyAndScale = (
node: Element,
params: FlyAndScaleParams = { y: -8, x: 0, start: 0.95, duration: 150 }
): TransitionConfig => {
const style = getComputedStyle(node);
const transform = style.transform === "none" ? "" : style.transform;
const scaleConversion = (
valueA: number,
scaleA: [number, number],
scaleB: [number, number]
) => {
const [minA, maxA] = scaleA;
const [minB, maxB] = scaleB;
const percentage = (valueA - minA) / (maxA - minA);
const valueB = percentage * (maxB - minB) + minB;
return valueB;
const styleToString = (
style: Record<string, number | string | undefined>
): string => {
return Object.keys(style).reduce((str, key) => {
if (style[key] === undefined) return str;
return str + key + ":" + style[key] + ";";
}, "");
return {
duration: params.duration ?? 200,
delay: 0,
css: (t) => {
const y = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.y ?? 5, 0]);
const x = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.x ?? 0, 0]);
const scale = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.start ?? 0.95, 1]);
return styleToString({
transform +
"translate3d(" +
x +
"px, " +
y +
"px, 0) scale(" +
scale +
opacity: t
easing: cubicOut
Inside the components that use transitions/animations, you'll need to remove the animation classes and add the transition. Here's an example of the AlertDialog.Content
<script lang="ts">
import { AlertDialog as AlertDialogPrimitive } from "bits-ui";
import * as AlertDialog from ".";
import { cn, flyAndScale } from "$lib/utils";
type $$Props = AlertDialogPrimitive.ContentProps;
let className: $$Props["class"] = undefined;
export let transition: $$Props["transition"] = flyAndScale;
export let transitionConfig: $$Props["transitionConfig"] = undefined;
export { className as class };
<AlertDialog.Overlay />
"fixed left-[50%] top-[50%] z-50 grid w-full max-w-lg translate-x-[-50%] translate-y-[-50%] gap-4 border bg-background p-6 shadow-lg sm:rounded-lg md:w-full",
<slot />
If you're unsure which specific classes should be removed, you can reference the components in the repo to see the changes.
Previous, we were using the same syntax as Melt UI for events, as we were simply forwarding them. So you'd have to do on:m-click
or on:m-keydown
. While this isn't a huge deal, since we're using components, we decided we wanted to use the same syntax as you would for any other Svelte component. So now you can just do on:click
or on:keydown
Behind the scenes, we're redispatching the event, so the contents of the event are the same, but the syntax is a bit more familiar.
To migrate to the new event syntax, you'll need to update your components that are forwarding the m-
events. Ensure you're on the latest version of bits-ui
before doing so.
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